Well, finally here it is Version 2.0.1. This version is a total rewrite from all previous versions. It is written in LightSpeed C rather than TML or TURBO pascal. C is a much better language.
••Changes since version 1.6:
Repaired the sounds, using 'snd 's now.
"LIMITED POWDER" mode that gives both players two barrels of powder to work with.
Resizeable window
Keyboard control
Better color for the color Macs
Faster control of angle and powder
Flapping flag instead of arrow for wind indication
Changeable ground color and sky color for color Macs
Multifinder compatiblity
••Changes since version 2.0
Fixed bug of crashing during sound on macs with system 4.2. Sound is no longer available on macs
with system versions less then 5.0. (Because I use snd resources for playing sound, and the SndPlay routine was not implemented on system 4.2) Thanks go to Matt Armstrong for finding this bug.
This program is SHAREWARE, and as such it can be freely distributed, but please do not alter this program or this info file. If you load this program onto a BBS or other service please make sure that this file is included with it.
If you have find bugs or have suggestions please contact me.
Good Luck. Don't forget to send your shareware fee and any suggestions or comments.
Kirk Crawford
1214 19th Street
Hermosa Bch, CA 90254
Kirk's BBS
1200-2400 Baud 24Hours
I also have my own BBS at (213) 376-2150. The Very latest version will always be there.